Winterize Your Car for the Holidays and Cold Weather


Off to Grandma’s house! Let The Car Doctor Auto Repair ease your mind and help keep you running and safe on the road this holiday season and all winter long with our car winterization service.

Here’s a smart checklist to keep you winter-ready:

Check your coolant

Check your coolant level before winter sets in to be sure your coolant hasn’t become contaminated with water or other external substances. Maintenance is highly recommended to keep your vehicle running at optimum performance.

Battery check

Don’t get stranded. To avoid a stalled car on a cold morning, we will run a battery load test to see if the battery has enough juice. As well, we check cables and terminals for cracks, and make sure the fluid is filled to the top.   

Windshield wiper fluid

Keep your windshield clean and visibility clear by removing snow, salt, dirt, and ice during the winter. Don’t run out of wiper fluid and be sure that freeze-resistant fluid is used. Winter driving can be tough – it can be tougher with reduced visibility.

Windshield blade replacement

Make sure your wiper blades are up to the task during tough winter weather. The average wiper blades are only good for six months to a year, so it’s good to have new ones as the weather changes.

Tire pressure check

Old or new, tires should be checked to be sure they are properly inflated for winter conditions. Cold weather causes the air pressure in your tires to drop, so checking tire pressure regularly ensures the tire levels remain at what is the manufacturer recommends. Ah, and be sure not to forget to check your spare!

Check tire treads and have all-weather tires for winter weather
Check tire treads and have all-weather tires for winter weather

Tire tread check

It’s a priority to check, and if necessary, replace your tires. Worn treads are a major hazard in winter conditions. For Middle Tennessee winter weather, it’s best to have all-season tires. Be sure tire tread is at least 5/32” for the best winter traction. If your tread is less than 2/32”, your tires will offer virtually zero traction in snow and ice, and be prone to hydroplaning in rain – they need to be replaced.

*An easy way to test your tire tread: insert a penny into a tread groove with Lincoln’s head pointing down. If no part of Lincoln’s head is covered, your tires need to be replaced. Flip the penny over and do the same test with the Lincoln Memorial facing down. If any part of the building is covered, your tires are winter weather ready.

Check your oil

Get the proper oil in your vehicle for cold weather

Make sure you have new, fresh oil to keep things running properly during the unpredictable winter months. An engine needs lubrication to run and cold weather thickens the oil and can reduce the ability to run smoothly. The mechanics at The Car Doctor Auto Repair will tell you what the best oil is for your car – does it need a thinner oil, etc., so you don’t have to worry about oil issues.

Belts and hoses

We prepare your car for winter by checking all belts and hoses for cracks or signs of wear and tear, and replacing them if necessary. Cold weather can affect belts and hoses and can weaken them – let us make sure they are in good order.

Don’t forget to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle

Despite excellent planning, winter weather can sneak up on you and put you and your family at risk. Be ready for by equipping your car with emergency supplies including blankets, flares, first-aid kit, a jack, flashlight, shovel, food, and sand or kitty litter for traction if you do get stuck.

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your car winterized – call The Car Doctor Auto Repair today. Our schedule fills up fast, especially this time of year. Get your appointment today, so you can have holiday and winter peace of mind tomorrow.