Getting the Most Out of Your Car When Times are Tight

Trying to save money wherever you can? The good news is that there are many great ways to easily cut back on spending funds on your car care when times are tight.

Here are some of our top suggestions for getting the most out of your car when you are trying to spend less.

1. Drive Carefully

The first thing you should do is check your driving and make sure you are being as careful as possible. While you should do this anyway, it’s a great way to save you some money. Here are some ways that watching your driving can save you money:

Lowering Your Car Insurance

Having a clean driving record, meaning one that is free of speeding tickets, accidents, etc. can actually dramatically reduce the amount you pay your auto insurer every month.

If you are an incredibly safe driver, you can actually be rewarded by your auto insurer as well.

Saving Gas

While it may not seem like driving carefully and adhering to the speed limit could save you a lot, but it’s a great way to cut back on spending.

Aggressive driving that includes slamming on your car brakes, speeding, and rapid acceleration can actually lower the gas mileage of your car by up to 30% on the highway and between 10% to 40% in stop and go traffic.

By adhering to the speed limit and braking/accelerating gently, you can save up to 10% per gallon in your fuel costs. Your car brakes will also thank you, as there will be decreased wear the less aggressive you are with them.

2. Stop Idling Your Car

Another great way to save some money is by avoiding idling your car. If you are in a situation where you are stuck parked in your car and waiting for someone/something, just turn the engine off until you are ready to move again.

Idling can use up to a 1/7 to 1/5 of your fuel tank per hour. However, restarting your vehicle only takes about 10 seconds worth of fuel.

3. Avoid Car A/C and Heating

Depending on where you live, this step may be easier for some over others.

Running your air conditioning can actually reduce your vehicle’s fuel economy by over 25%. If you can, either set the temperature a little higher or even turn it off altogether.

For situations where it is plausible, consider driving with your windows open before turning on your A/C to let out hot air first, and only using A/C at high speeds.

4. Check Tire Pressure Regularly

Last but not least, make sure you are checking your tire pressure regularly. Also, and just as important, make sure the tires on your car are set to their optimum air pressure.

Not sure what the pressure in your tires should be? It should be listed both in the driver’s door frame and your owner’s manual.

Ideally, you should check on your tire pressure once a month. Doing this can help prevent emergencies and spending more money on new tires. By preparing and checking up on this aspect of your car regularly, you’ll find that your wheels will wear down less and need to be replaced less frequently.

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Auto mechanic changing oil machine.The man is changing the motor oil.Change engine oil.Replacement of automobile oil.Check the auto maintenance.transportation repair service center

Getting Additional Help from Your Local Auto Repair Shop

While there’s a lot you can handle on your own when it comes to getting the most out of your car care when times are tight, don’t be afraid to contact a local, trusted auto repair shop for additional help if needed. Whether you have questions about a certain issue or you have preventative services that need to be completed, a professional is the best option.

For those of you in Old Hickory, Tennessee, contact The Car Doctor today for your car maintenance needs!